FODMAPs are sugars that are found in many commonly eaten foods. FODMAPs include the following sugars: fructose, lactose, fructans, polyols and galacto-oligosacharrides. Some people absorb these sugars poorly, which can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain and discomfort, altered bowel habits and wind.

If your gastrointestinal symptoms are linked with poor absorption of these sugars then following a low FODMAP diet may help.

Your Dietitian will help you identify if there are any other foods you might benefit from avoiding.

How long until my symptoms will improve?

If you are sensitive to FODMAPs, improvements in symptoms are usually seen within the first week of following a low FODMAP diet, however avoidance of foods high in FODMAPs for 6-8 weeks is recommended to be sure.

How long is a low FODMAP diet required?

1. If your gastrointestinal symptoms do not improve with the avoidance of foods high in FODMAPs, then the avoided foods are safe to be slowly brought back into your diet, provided that your symptoms are not worsened by this.

2. If your gastrointestinal symptoms are improved with avoidance of foods high in FODMAPs it is encouraged that you challenge yourself with small amounts of the avoided foods after 6-8 weeks, to determine a tolerance level. Challenging yourself with a small amount of the avoided foods should be done under the instruction of your dietitian.

Where To Get More Information.

Dr Farah is the best source of information for questions and concerns related to your medical problem.  Book an appointment today!